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We relish hearing from readers! Please use this form to submit reviews, cannibal jokes, or to enter your recipe in our contest for our coming Cannibal Home Companion Cookbook™*. We also promise we will not share your information without your permission. Please see our privacy policy.
Note for Press and others wishing to schedule a speaking engagement or interview with Ina Silvert Hillebrandt or original Cannibal Diet creator, Marietta Mandible, or to inquire about reprints or bulk copies of our book(s), please visit our press page. *SPECIAL! We're running a contest for best recipes for two dishes to add to our Cannibal Home Companion Recipes. Winners will receive a FREE copy of The Ten Best Revolutionary New Cannibal Diet Recipes. Meantime, may we suggest a recipe for these troubled times? Find out what we're talking about here. Hint: Think meat.